Saturday, 17 March 2012

Year 5 & 6's

The Year 5 & 6’s are a bright and exciting group of artists.  They began the year rather quietly, not speaking too much to one another, but now they've warmed up and they are creating (and talking) with much energy and flavour. 

In our first lesson we brainstormed ‘what is an artist?’  Here are their interesting initial responses....

Their visual diaries are full of their thoughts and ideas.  They are learning that as artists these books are incredibly important as they contain vital personal information that assists them greatly in their craft.   The back of their books contains all their relevant research data and they have been collating many images to do with ‘Biodiversity’ and cultural patterns. 
The beginning stages
Saula hard at work
Milania concentrating on her design
Sia adding bursts of colour
The mural is very much in the minds of these artists as they design and create their images.  Our theme is ‘Respect is the basis for Biodiversity’.  We brainstormed the concepts for both ‘respect’ and ‘biodiversity’.
The students then used these ideas to springboard into whatever area they desired.  They have also had freedom in the choice of materials.  Many have chosen to use the Caran D’ache Neocolour wax pastels on black paper.  It produces a wonderfully rich quality.  Others have experimented with vivid, pencils and dye.

It’s wonderful to see the unique cultural patterns coming through in some of their work.
In Week 8 we begin to finalise our designs and then collaboratively work on our final composition.
And then the painting of the mural this space!!!

'Biodiversity' by the Year 5 and 6's on PhotoPeach 

1 comment:

  1. I am impressed with the compositions the children have created. The colour combinations and textures they have in their art works are a pleasure to view. Thanks for posting, it is inspiring.
